
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Its been a year!

So I realized it has been a year since my husband and I started on this journey of CHP so I need to get back into writing about this experience because they are hiring like crazy at the moment and some new Cadet girlfriend, fiance or wife may need to hear more about this CHP journey. So here I am back at it!

My husband has been off break-in for about 2 months now. Everyone kept saying how break-in was just an extent of academy life but for us it was nothing like the academy. Yeah he had long days, he had a ton of reports but he also had 3-4 days off and every night he came home to me not his roommates. So for us break-in was work just not has hard on our relationship as people kept saying. And now that he is off break-in life is great! We finally have a constant schedule so I can work my business around him and get to spend the time we need together. he is home most of the time about 1-2 hours after he gets off instead 3-5 hours lol. We have date night once a week. We have breakfast together almost every morning. And I know that things will change as the schedule changes every quarter but there is nothing that can keep me from loving this new life of ours.

The one thing that I am getting use to is hearing all the crazy stories. Since he works in one of the busiest offices in the state, there are some crazy stories. And we grew up in this area so it still shocks me that certain things go on all around us without the public ever knowing. The accidents we never see because they are quick to get it out of the way and move people along. The DUIs that are taken off the road before anyone even knows. The amount of people who are driving without a license!

Another thing I am getting use to is this culture of being an officers wife. Especially with all the negative that gets put out on the media about officers. Its hard to see your friends take a side of a certain situation involving an officer and really have no understanding. They hear one side of a story and of course it is true. And when another side comes out they must be trying to make the "victim" look bad. Its hard to keep my mouth shut. Its hard to not want to shout at all these people. My husband made a decision that he would "Protect and Serve" our community and sometimes he will have to do put himself in the life of fire to do so and sometimes he will have to make quick judgement calls that people don't understand and, I hope not, he will be put in a situation where it is his life or someone else's and it won't be pretty. But that is the job they choose. This is the life we now live. And, honestly, I couldn't be more proud to be a Law Enforcement Officers wife.