
Monday, September 14, 2015

Crazy shift

So I wrote this on 9/14/15 and never actually posted it! So here ya go :)

So last Thursday's shift was my first experience of freak out. LOL One thing I learned way before becoming an officer's wife is that the news is pretty much all negative so I don't watch. But I do follow the local stations because I do like to know what is going on in the area. So last Thursday I was relaxing getting ready to netflix the night away since my husband was working but before I did that was checking Facebook one last time. The headline I saw was "Pursuit in Whittier". Well I know that Whittier is one of their areas so first thing I do is search for him on "Find my friend". (best app ever btw for a LEO wife lol) He happened to be in Whittier too. So I am freaking out and trying to turn the TV on to see what is going on. Good thing is when I finally found it on TV it had ended in Downey so I at least had a bit of relief when I knew he wasn't in the area. So I just text him, told him I loved him and to be careful out there. I got to go to bed, calmly which was nice.

The next morning our dog woke me up (normally does when he his my husband come home) so I was waiting to hear the door open but after a few minutes and not hearing anything I decided to check my phone to see what time it was it and it was almost 7am. He gets off at 5:30 so he is normally home no later than 6:30 unless something happens end of shift. I wasn't too worried but I did have a text from my mom "Call me when you wake up". That's it. No good morning, no how are you doing.. just call me. So something was wrong but I wasn't awake enough to deal with it. So I got on good old FB and, again, headline "CHP officer shot at traffic stop". Well that woke me up! I was up in my bed so fast. I searched for my husband on the app again. Felt like the longest 30 seconds of my life. Saw he was at his office so knew he was okay but pretty shaken by it of course. Kept reading the article I found to make sure the officer was okay. But as I read it all I could keep thinking was if that guy would have just taken the 60 instead of the 10 that would have been my officer. Wow! Just wow! 

Here is an official welcome to the law enforcement family...

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