Babe i have to be up at 330 tomorrow so i cant call but i love you! Thank you so much for your texts, they give me strength. I am reaching new levels in my faith because of the challenges i face, your texts are so precious to me . Thank you I LOVE YOU!
Best words ever!!!
Anyway, last night they had the night off so him and a few guys went to dinner just to get off campus. When we got to talk he sounded so much better! He was John again! He told me he had passed his 2 test he had taken so far and was about to study for the next. He had been "gigged" twice meaning he did something wrong. When you are gigged 3 times you get your Wednesday off campus privileges taken away. But he is not too worried about it. He knows that everyone is going through it so he is hanging in there. He was actually laughing about it with his roommates. So I know he is in a much better spot than Monday. He was even joking about the things they were yelling at them and how he knows it's just to see how much they can break them down to build them up. Looks like John has been broken down enough and the building process is beginning!
But it looks like we can only take so much being a part. Today I will be working hard to get some orders so that I can take the train up there on Friday and stay till Sunday. At least on the train I can get some things done. I just miss him! And I know I can help him get something's done and lift his spirits more. So if anyone needs Mascara & makeup remover I only need 9 more people to order those so I can go up tomorrow! Or 6 microdermabrasion sets, or 3 miracle set, you get the picture. Lol it can really be anything but that made it easier for my brain! Just text me or Order online here :) it's greatly appreciated!
So I can't wait to see him! Hear all about his stories and help him get all his stuff together. I know we're stronger together! So off to work I go to so I can see the love of my life!
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