Well looking back at my first post of the year seem laughable now.
Hello all! Welcome to April 2020! I have been quarantined with 2 toddlers for 6 weeks now while my husband is an "essential" worker. (Of course, but that's nothing new) 😳
So far, it just feels a bit like "Groundhogs day". What am I going to do today to keep these kids out of trouble? Crafts, games, outside time, ipad time, movies, car rides. Keeping a 2 and 3 year old active and out of trouble but at the same time not just trying to completely entertain them since they need to learn to do that themselves has been good. They actually have had to learn how to play better with each other which is an awesome thing. So good job quarantine, you have taught my kids to play together. 👍
But this mama is losing her mind, one day at a time. My main conversations are with toddlers. Some days my husband forgets that when I am just a chatter box when he gets home. I had to completely breakdown and explain this to him. They don't get it all the time because its just life as normal. He is still going to work, still doing his thing, still chatting with his coworkers. I am lucky if I get a zoom/facetime chat with my friends/family longer than 15 mins bc my toddlers are going nuts with my attention elsewhere.
People rarely understand that when you are a first responder spouse and there is an emergency like this, your family comes together to handle it, my husband leaves his to protect yours. You can say whatever you like about having to work from home now and figuring out your new normal. This is my normal. In fact, I actually saw him less the first 2 weeks because he had to work a few 12-16 hour OT shifts. My normal is I have to handle my family while he has to protect yours. We don't get to come together. We say I love you and stay safe and pray he doesn't bring this home.
The funny thing is, the one thing I have been sure of since the first day of all this... God's got it. I don't feel a bit of anxiety about what is going on in the world. I feel its a wake up call for everyone to find their faith. Find that trust in God. I am actually not too worried about my husband getting sick or getting us sick. This virus doesn't scare me. It has been an amazing thing to see the community that can be created when we are in something together to take care of each other. The amount of love that has been pouring in on our family during this time has been amazing. We were blessed to change churches about a year ago and it was such the right decision for our little family and we especially see it now. We needed a community and they have been so much more than we could have ever prayed for.
So here is to another 4 weeks (at least) of the same old things around here. I mean it is California so God knows we are not opening anything any time soon 😔 But we will keep moving forward. I will keep these little humans alive, educated and entertained. LOL I will kiss my husband goodbye every morning and welcome home every time he walks back through that door. And I cannot wait to hug people again!
For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing. 1 Thess 5:9-11