Where do I even begin???
Let's start CHP... Unfortunately his office his having a very high amount of fatal crashes lately and my husband had to take his first. Well technically it was his second but the first was an older man who had a heart attack while driving. This was a fatal because of the crash. One thing that was good and scary to see at the same time was how my husband handled it. It was just another day at the office. Just another crash. Didn't seem to hit him in any crazy way. This is good for the job of course because this is just year 2, he is going to see a lot worse in the future, so knowing that he can handle it like this is good. But at the same time my heart sank hearing about this and shook me a little so not seeing much at of him who was actually there when the crazy went down is just a bit odd for me. But overall I know its a good thing for him to be like this during those times.
Another things CHP related is we are finally seeing everyone transfer out of this office. We knew it was coming. We always heard that people don't stay but now it is becoming more of a reality. Even though I haven't had a chance to get really close with anyone, they are still friends I have had a great time getting to know a little bit and it will be hard to see them go but that just means more will come in and maybe they will stay. The office Christmas party is this weekend so it will be nice to mix and mingle with some of the other wives and not just the ones from my husbands class. A lot can change in 2 years.
Now on to fun stuff... WE ARE HOME OWNERS! The crazy journey to purchasing our first home is done and we are happily in our new home. We got to move in the day before Thanksgiving which was great and crazy. We actually got a call like 2 hours before we were suppose to get the keys that escrow missed a place that the seller needed to sign and it couldn't be recorded that it was our till the following Monday. Our realtor had to scramble to find the seller to write up a contract that we could move in "early" because it was not our fault that it wasn't closed yet. We finally moved into our new home about 9-10pm. Oh... and then we locked ourselves out around midnight. LOL It was crazy but we made it work and now we have just been putting together our home. I decided to have events this weekend (1 for my business, another a family gathering) at my home which makes getting the house together a bit of a hurry, but its coming together nicely!
Very excited to spend our first holiday season, relaxing in our own home :)