Well week 15 was just crazy! So like I stated last time, John had started his 2nd driving test. It was a close one. He did his 2nd attempt for it on Tuesday which went okay but he still needed more practice. So he was going to be doing his 2nd attempt of the arresting (5am) and his 3rd attempt of the driving test (1pm) the same day, Thursday. So I figured if he was still at the academy when I woke up he had passed his arresting. And he was so he did. But I didn't hear from him till late Thursday night and he told me how bad his 3rd attempt of driving was. So Friday (before Christmas) he was taking his last attempt on this driving test. He was a huge ball of nerves because of the bad experience his 3rd attempt was. But we were both staying strong for one another, or at least trying to. I just started texting everyone I knew to start praying! And then Friday came along. It was the longest day of my life! Luckily a few of my girls went out o lunch with me to distract me a bit. So I figured if he passed he would call me after 5p since that's when they get out for the weekend. My phone rang at 3:11p. I dropped to the floor I was so scared to answer but I did. All he said was "I passed, I have to change but I wanted you to know". I just started yelling at him for scaring me like that lol. But when we hung up I just started crying! It was just a huge accomplishment for him! I just know whole-hearted that this is what he is suppose to do but getting that close to it being over is just crazy. They actually lost like 8 people to that test that week.
But now it's week 16 and it's been a great one. He only had to be there on Monday till 5p and the whole family came up for Christmas. It was so night to just spend time relaxing with him! And we had a Christmas at my Aunt and Uncles home not too far from Sacramento and it was just perfect! Be I with our family, especially part that we don't get to be with often because of the distance. We couldn't be more grateful, thankful and blessed to have the Swanson family so close to here and so supportive through this crazy part of our lives :)
Then he went back Christmas night and he will be out for the weekend tomorrow at 5p. But today I got to meet up with 2 other cadet's wives which was so nice! The only people who understands this are people how have gone or are going through this. We chatted for 3 hours! And we could have kept talking! It was just so great to make a connection and have so much relatedness. It's going to be great to see them again at Graduation :)
So another week almost done again! And the junior class is almost here too! That's the next big step for him because they get to breathe just a little bit when more cadets come. But I can't wait till tomorrow night at 5p so I get to kiss my husband again!
Until next time! Thanks for all the love and support and keep the prayers coming because we have 10 more weeks!!!
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