
Saturday, December 20, 2014


So if I have not mentioned it before, I am a high school teacher. Honestly, I do it because I love it. I love inspiring my students and seeing them connect with a new language and culture. I have my business to help financially and I teach because I believe it is my calling. God knows teachers do not make enough money and these past few weeks really reminded me of that.

With all that has been going on with law enforcement, the protest and everything, I find myself angry. Angry that people think that these officers that have had to use force to stop a situation and had it turn into the death of the suspect is something that these officers just take lightly is ignorant. OFFICERS DO NOT WANT TO USE THEIR WEAPONS! THEY DO NOT WANT TO TAKE A LIFE! THEY ARE HERE TO HELP PREVENT ALL OF THIS! But people break that law. People do not listen to the authority. Or what I should say is people do not see the authority that officers should have and just blow them off and then things escalate.

Well one thing I am learning is its not just officers. People are not being taught to respect people anymore. In the past 2 weeks I have had to have 2 conversations with students on what it means and what it looks like to show respect to their teachers and the staff on campus. At first one of those students wanted to argue with me and tell me that was just who he was until he realized that it was not just one person they were upsetting but a majority and it is okay to make people feel that way. But THIS IS NOT MY JOB!!! When did it become a teachers job to teach our students respect. I swear that my children will know how to honor their parents, respect their elders and authority of their teachers, their bosses, law enforcement, etc. I am not saying my future children will not know how to stand up for what they believe in, but they will do it respectfully! They will follow the law, rules on their campus and if they doesn't believe it they will have the right discussion with the right people to make change... not trash an area, not yell or throw things to get their way.

These comics are so true and its horrible! When did this change? And how to get it back?

And if someone wants to say that respect must be earned... hows this for earning it:
1. Must have bachelors degree (meaning focused enough in high school to get into college, maybe on scholarship or maybe by getting in debt with student loans)
2. Must have teaching credential (meaning another 1-2 years of schooling/meaning more student debt if necessary, about 8 state tests which we have to pay to take, at least 6 months of UNPAID student teaching working 7-4/5 days a week)
I hate that people say that teaching is a backup plan because if doing all this is your backup plan than I would hate to know what you couldn't get through to do what you really wanted to do!

CHP officer-
1. Basic written test (comparable to college entrance exam, not too bad)
2. Physical Abilities test (at least 24 push up/minute, 31 sit up/minute, 300 meter run/70 sec, 1.5 mile run/13.55 mins, again not too bad)
3. Background paperwork (OMG! Was this a pain in the butt! It was like this 200 questions packet and if you said yes to ANYTHING you had to hand write a paragraph explaining it.)
4. Background investigation
    a. interviewing EVERYONE- your investigator talks to friends, family, neighbors, previosu co-works and bosses, etc...)
    b. panel interview
    c. lie detector test
    d. psychological evaluation
5. physical evaluation
6. Welcome to Academy!
    a. 6 month live-in academy (you are there from Sunday 11;59p- Friday 6-7ish)
    b. 2-4 POST test a week
    c. physical tests
    d. driving tests
    e. range tests
    Don't pass the tests (you get 2-3 tries) YOU GO HOME  and start the process all over!
7. Graduation... to the road you go!
    a. 3 Months of field training (with 3 different field training officers) Don't pass, you start the process all over again!

I know I have missed a few things here and there but you get the idea. This is not something anyone can just get into! If I remember correctly something like 30,000 people applied the day my husband did... I don't remember how many took the written test in his division but the physical abilities test had about 2,000 people... he was 1 of about 150 who went to the academy from those application, and only about 20 of them were from his division. Out of the 150, 93 graduated to officers! And I think they lost 3 more after field training. So easy right? Anyone can do it? 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Feels like a crazy time to be a LEO wife

I don't even know where to start. Maybe I am just more aware of things that happen in the LEO community or maybe things are really getting crazy! Yesterday in New York this man was going after cops with a hatchet. I mean REALLY??? Today in northern California, a Sacramento County Sheriff lost his life when he was approaching a suspicious vehicle. He didn't even have time to react they say.
My husband changed shifts this month which means he is up really early to go to work so I am not awake to hug and kiss him and to say "I love you and stay safe" like I usually do. But when I do wake up I make sure to spend time with God, thanking Him for this amazing man and thanking him for keeping him safe and bringing him home to me. And I am a strong woman of faith so I don't live my life in fear that something could happen to him. But every now and then I see something on the news or on fb of someone hating on a cop or even hurting a cop and I can't help but get this horrible feeling in my stomach. It's just natural. He has a dangerous job. But I make sure that when he gets a chance to call me I get to tell him I love him and to be safe. And the first thing I do when he gets home is hug and kiss him.
I don't really know where I was going with this post but I guess I just want to say hug and love your loved ones, especially you all who are LEO families too. Life's too short and so unpredictable to put things off.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Its been a year!

So I realized it has been a year since my husband and I started on this journey of CHP so I need to get back into writing about this experience because they are hiring like crazy at the moment and some new Cadet girlfriend, fiance or wife may need to hear more about this CHP journey. So here I am back at it!

My husband has been off break-in for about 2 months now. Everyone kept saying how break-in was just an extent of academy life but for us it was nothing like the academy. Yeah he had long days, he had a ton of reports but he also had 3-4 days off and every night he came home to me not his roommates. So for us break-in was work just not has hard on our relationship as people kept saying. And now that he is off break-in life is great! We finally have a constant schedule so I can work my business around him and get to spend the time we need together. he is home most of the time about 1-2 hours after he gets off instead 3-5 hours lol. We have date night once a week. We have breakfast together almost every morning. And I know that things will change as the schedule changes every quarter but there is nothing that can keep me from loving this new life of ours.

The one thing that I am getting use to is hearing all the crazy stories. Since he works in one of the busiest offices in the state, there are some crazy stories. And we grew up in this area so it still shocks me that certain things go on all around us without the public ever knowing. The accidents we never see because they are quick to get it out of the way and move people along. The DUIs that are taken off the road before anyone even knows. The amount of people who are driving without a license!

Another thing I am getting use to is this culture of being an officers wife. Especially with all the negative that gets put out on the media about officers. Its hard to see your friends take a side of a certain situation involving an officer and really have no understanding. They hear one side of a story and of course it is true. And when another side comes out they must be trying to make the "victim" look bad. Its hard to keep my mouth shut. Its hard to not want to shout at all these people. My husband made a decision that he would "Protect and Serve" our community and sometimes he will have to do put himself in the life of fire to do so and sometimes he will have to make quick judgement calls that people don't understand and, I hope not, he will be put in a situation where it is his life or someone else's and it won't be pretty. But that is the job they choose. This is the life we now live. And, honestly, I couldn't be more proud to be a Law Enforcement Officers wife.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Phase 1 done!

Wow what a crazy journey this has been so far! It feels like we have to readjust life every month and just when you get in the swing of things they change again. But we know it's worth it! So my husband works in one of the busiest office there is in California and boy do we feel that way. I mean yesterday he came home with 4 crash reports he had to do, and that was just one day! Now not every day is like that but I think he comes home with at least 1 a shift and that's more than most I think. But we are getting this process down. I even help him when I can, if I don't get to grumpy staying up with him staring at a computer screen trying to figure out what needs to go where. Slow but surely we will get it all down.

Right now he is on the 5a-5p shift with weekends off. It's actually kind of nice. We have dinner together almost every night. And I am learning to enjoy a little more free time with him instead of working all the time. This weekend we are going to Knotts for Deaf Awareness day and then the Angel game to hang out with his fellow officers now. I'm really learning that I need to enjoy the time we have and know that God's got us and everything is going to work out in his perfect plan and long as we keep doing what we do. Easier said than done but I'm working on it. 

Like always thanks for all the love and support!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Adjusting to life as an officers wife

So here we are! We have made it through the academy! Here are a few pictures from graduation week.

Still not sure if should/can share pictures of my officer so to be safe these are fun group pictures. :)

And he is now out on the road! At least on break in that is. We finally feel like a married couple, which is still weird but fun. Even though he is out on 12 hour shifts at least I know he comes home to me every night :) So the next 3 months are going to be about our journey of break in and being newlyweds. So far it has been good! I am learning to re-balance being a wife, teacher and business owner while he is learning the husband-officer role but as his schedule changes every 3-4 weeks right now we will be doing a lot of re-balancing. His first schedule is actually very different than we thought it would be. Since their FTOs are more senior status they have better schedules like weekends off. But not my guy which is actually just fine with me. lol Instead of being on A Watch (5a-5p) first like most of the other guys he is on B Watch (10a-10p). And most of the other guys work Mon-Thurs, he works Thurs-Sun. Now this is actually a perfect schedule for me (except for Sundays bc we enjoy going to church together) but I am a morning person so we get to get up together an have breakfast. I get to help make sure he has all he needs for lunch and we just get to enjoy the morning. and on the weekends is when most people like to have parties or events so I have a few things scheduled already. So we get to have date night on Tuesdays when things are not so crowded and crazy. So April will a pretty good month. Lets just pray that May doesn't change it too dramatically :) So far loving the life of an officer's wife!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Last week before graduation activities!!!

Wow! With all the craziness that has been going on over the past month I completely forgot about the blog! Where to start... We found a place to live and moved in last week, next week is GRADUATION WEEK and he gets to come home for good! Tonight was the last night I had to put my husband on a plane and say goodbye. I can't believe we are on the final week. This has been the craziest 6 months ever and I can't even begin to imagine what the next year is going to be. But this week he gets a badge number and next week I get to pin that badge on him. I always knew we would get here, I just can't believe we are actually here already! In just 11 days I get to call my husband Officer. So their probably won't be much to blog about this week but just wait till next week. Hopefully I can share pictures of a few of the events that happen during grad week but we will see. 
I just want to thank all of you for being such support during this first part of our journey. I know there are so many of you out there prayer for him and our family and it means soooo much to us! So keep praying, we have a badge to pin next week!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

On to week 22! We're so close!

Wow! Where to begin...
Well we have a office! We are very blessed to say he has be placed in the Santa Fe Springs office which was his 3rd choice but a great one. It's funny to be driving around the area that office covers and see a CHP. I just think that is going to be one of his co-workers and that's crazy! But very exciting because we are working hard and fast on getting our own place. We get to stay in the area we know and love. Many cadets and their families are not from the LA area and have to move or love apart for awhile. I couldn't imagine! I would have followed him anywhere we got place but I am very excitedf o stay right where we are!
So for the past 2 weeks he has been passing more tests, getting certified in more Spanish, basically just getting it all wrapped up! 
He got to come home last weekend and we celebrated his birthday which dinner with family and drinks with friends. But what was great was going to church. Our church family had not see him since September! And pastor asked him to speak for a bit. Seeing him speak about god using him completely brought me to tears. It just felt so surreal how God is using us and how we are both pursuing our dreams and watching things fall into place! Seriously, so blessed! But the best part was hear him talk about their prayer group. They are 10 for 10 when praying for each other! I'm mean wow! What an amazing group of cadets they are! And now they only have 5 weeks till graduation week.
This next week should be too crazy for him. He has one test and the he gets to come home on Thursday! I love having him come home! Saturday he has to report to his office for ride along day. I am just so excited for him. I can't believe that all of this is finally here. Exactly one month from Tuesday I will be flying to Sacramento for graduation weeks and then driving home with my officer husband. So here's to 5 more weeks and the the real journey begins!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 19

This was really a long week! This was scenario week for his company and he passed everything which was awesome. But he did also get the first feeling of going home, that this battle isn't over yet. They tricked him into thinking he didn't do something right the second time but it was really to prove a point that they are not out of the woods yet and themed to stay focused. Scared him for sure but he is glad scenarios are over.
We also got the dream sheet! The list of places that need officers and looks like we will get what we were praying for, Westminster! It would be such a huge blessing since I teach in Huntington Beach and it gives me an opportunity to expand my customer base just a bit but still take care of my original customers. :) we still have 8 weeks to finish the academy but we feel really good, really strong that God has gotten him through this much and answered so many prayer along the way, we can make it this latst 8 weeks with just a little more focus. Then were becoming orange country people lol. I'm excited to really start looking at places for us.
So he should have his last driving test sometime this week, which is pass or go home. No one has gone home on it yet so I have no worried for him to do that same. He also has to certify in another part of Spanish which we have been working on almost every weekend so he should be good on that too. And then my husband comes home for the weekend! His birthday is next week so we get to celebrate a little bit with him this weekend. Friday can't come soon enough! 
Keep praying, were almost done!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 18

I got to see him in his tans! His official uniform! Wow what a great thing that was. I can't share it but we will all see it in 9 weeks anyway :)
So on Monday they got to try on their uniforms and I think that was a high boost for all of them. Then his company got pepper sprayed lol oh that was another picture to see. My poor husbands face was bright red and swollen. But it's just one more thing done on this road! He as certified in shotgun. So we have finished 2 of 3 shooting test and 2 of 3 driving test. 
Tuesday- Boxing Day! So he got out of it with a slight black eye and a bruised lip. I'm so proud of all this he is going through and I can say I feel like he can kick anyone's butt now lol
Wednesday- big day! He had certification for rifle which he passed so he is all done with the guns! And he had his last driving test. He passed one part of it but not the other so he has to take that one again. We don't know when but he feels pretty good about doing it over. He only gets one more attempt at it but he will be just fine. We don't think he will be doing it for like 2 weeks but he is still ready.
Thursday- he spent most of the day I the classroom. But something great happened. I talk often to family members of other cadets in a Facebook group. Well one chat we were having I mentioned how a few of the cadets get together and pray over other cadets who are on their final attempt for something. I also mentioned how all they have prayed for have passed. Well on Thursday another cadet ask my husband if he could pray for him because he is on his final attempt for high speed. Wow! What an amazing feeling that was! Even at the academy God is using him in more ways than one. :) Just another reason I am one proud wife!
Friday- the cadet they prayed for passed! The power of prayer is so good! Other than that it was a boring day just getting them ready for scenario week next week. 
Next week is a big week. Senario testing all week! After he passes everything next week it's just the last driving test, and the rest are paper test that I don't worry about because he is so studious. Were so close it makes me a little sick lol so pray and pray a lot for him this week! Just another huge milestone to pass :)

As for me... I'm keeping busy. But I am in a funk. I find it hard to get up if I don't have something to do early in the day but I am working on it, trying to schedule more in the mornings so I get moving sooner. I started looking for places too but can't really look till we know where his office will be. Hopefully ed find out soon so I that can be a good distraction too. I just miss him but it's only 9 more week... 2/3 of the way done. We got this! He's got this! Keep praying!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week 17 DONE!

I cannot believe that we are 2/3 of the way done! This is crazy! Only 9 weeks of work to go and then it's graduation week. :) So week 17 was another good one. He got tased lol He said it hurt, he tried to crawl away from it but it was worth it to be here. And he also certified in pistol which is huge! I thought one area that was going to be harder for his was shooting but I guess he is a natural. He was actually just 1 second away from certifying Expert in it. He was just happy to pass and move on. Lol this next week the juniors are finally coming! The staff willbe looking at them to be leaders and really step up more. Other than that this week shouldn't be too crazy, I think just certifying in shotgun maybe. Week 19 will be and he will need all kinds of prayer for it. It is his senario week which means the whole week they're tested on the different scenarios, randomly. We were practicing them a bit, as in he was telling me the steps on what he would do and he seems like he has it all together. :) once we get past that he will feel like he can breathe just a bit easier so keep praying that his brain holds all this information he needs lol. And hopefully we will get the dream sheet in the next 2 weeks too so we have some idea where his office will be and I can start looking for our first place! Many great things are happening in the next 10 weeks! And I am so ready for the excitement after than and to finally feel like a married couple :) 
UPDATE: a few of the tans are in!!! Eeeee!!! Hopefully his are on so this can really bring it all to reality and give him that little push to go harder! :)